. Longino Do Sublime
. Helena Barbas, O Sublime e o Belo- de Longino a Edmund Burke
. Vrasidas Karalis – Disambiguating the Sublime and the Historicity of the Concept
. A short guide to the theory of the sublime
.Bragança de Miranda – O retorno do Belo
. Tate Modern- Art and Sublime
. Richard Wendorf – Piranesi’s Double Ruin
. The Beautiful, the Sublime, and the Grotesque: The Subjective Turn in Aestheticsfrom the Enlightenment to the Present
. Keston Sutherland- The Trade in Bathos
. Cristopher Fanning, The Scriblerian Sublime
. Goerges Didi-Huberman, L’immanence esthétique
. Andrew Wilton – Sublime or Ridiculous? Turner and the Problem of Historical Figure
. The Beautiful, the Sublime, and the Grotesque: The Subjective Turn in Aesthetics from the Enlightenment to the Present (Editor: Michael J. Matthis)
.American Paradise. the World of River Hudson School
. Sanford Kwinter La Citta Nuova: Modernity and Continuity
. Claire Lozier- De l’abject et du sublime Georges Bataille, Jean genet, Samuel Beckett
. Barnett Newman- “The First Man Was an Artist”
. Derrida- Paper Machine
. Hal Foster- “The Return of the Real”
. Kristeva, Julia, Powers of horror. An Essay on Abjection
. Luke White- “Damien Hirst, Colley Cibber and the Bathos of the Commercialised Sublime,” a paper given at the conference “Taste, Vision, Transcendence: Sublimity 1700-1900,”